Darren Matthews
May 20, 2021


Thanks for your comments. In response to your questions, this article is over a year old now and I'd be quite confident in saying the 'unwritten' rules of Medium's distribution have changed in that time.

Since the beginning of 2021, there has been a shift towards more 'relational' content - mainly within the confines of followers. I suspect this brought a better balance between self-published and publication posted articles. Hence the changes you have seen.

The key with 'further distribution' is that it pushes your article out beyond your followers.

If you want to reach a bigger audience, then working out why articles were distributed is key. As you say, it is a rabbit hole you can easily get lost in.



Darren Matthews

I’m utterly curious about decision-making | Sharing lessons learned from the thousands of decisions I’ve studied and made | Founder https://www.resolve.blog