This Is Your One Life — Now Go and Start Living it, Today!

It is time to start living

Darren Matthews
4 min readAug 13, 2022
Photo by Helena Lopeson Unsplash

I’m sorry to break to you, but you have one life.

There is no evidence to the contrary.

It is one life and it’s the one you’re reading this with. You might feel shocked. You might feel scared. You might feel alive. Whatever you feel, you need to accept what I’m saying. Today is not the day to wallow in the self-pity of it all.

No, today is the day you need to wake up and stop living in fear.

You shouldn’t fear getting life wrong, you should fear not accepting the challenge of living. Because that’s what we do. We live scared. We stress over decisions. We stress over what other people think.

A hundred years from now, will it matter?

There is nothing like looking back from a future perspective to see how utterly misplaced your worries are. Of course, it is easy to rant about our one life, but quite another for a life complicated by illness, conflict, or poverty.

Unfortunately, only you can decide how to face this.

There was a guy on TV last night who lost his legs in the Westminster Bridge terrorist attack. Left wheelchair-bound, it would have been easy to say sod it. His response was to climb Mount…



Darren Matthews

Following my curiosity — which is decision-making — and sharing what I learn along the way